Unclaimed LAY

Starlay Token
Rewards0.00 LAY
IDO on ArthSwap0.00 LAY
Token Sale on Starlay0.00 LAY

Lockable Balance

Starlay Token
Wallet0.00 LAY
IDO on ArthSwap
You can use your unvested LAY from IDO on ArthSwap or Token Sale on Launchpad to acquire veLAY. You need to lock longer the vesting period.
0.00 LAY
Token Sale on Starlay
You can use your unvested LAY from IDO on ArthSwap or Token Sale on Launchpad to acquire veLAY. You need to lock longer the vesting period.
0.00 LAY

Locked LAY

Starlay Token
Locked Until
Your LAY is locked until this date and time. You cannot withdraw your LAY even partially until the date and time comes.
Current Voting Power
As the remaining lock period gets shorter, voting power decreases linearly.
Current Est. Avg. APR
The volume weighted average APR of assets you voted.
Total Claimable: -
Last Term Revenue
The revenue of the protocol in the last Term. For more detail, please refer here.
Last Term Weight
The percentage of voting power each asset obtained in the last Term.
Est. Reward APR
Estimated APR of rewards calculated from Last Term Revenue and Total Weight.
Total Weight
The total number and percentage of voting power of each asset planned to be applied for the next Term.
Your Weight
The number of voting power you voted for each asset which will be applied for the next Term.
Claimable Amount
Rewards you can claim from the revenue of Terms your voting results applied. For more detail, please click here.